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Every Friday there is something new sometimes it is terrific and sometimes it makes you cry, fall in love or give you a new freaking idea when you are out of the theater of some great mall but in our new and well developed world we are lacking time, time for each other, time for ourselves and even sometimes for eating. So it become little messy when you have to choose between the best relaxation time or fun and humor. Don’t worry in new world feel free as you can have both good relaxation times on your couch while enjoying the latest flick released a few days ago on your iPod, Tablet, Pc or MAC. You can get the awesome experience on your 3D devices now of your flick also some of the web portal allows you to watch movie for free as YouTube etc. I have listed some of the best ever movies according to IMDB.com  The Godfather, The Dark Knight, Inception, Se7en, Psycho, The Intouchables, Alien, American Beauty, WALL·E,

The Lion King, Toy Story 3, The Wolf of Wall Street, Braveheart, Some Like It Hot, The Kid, Unforgiven, Die Hard, Downfall, The Great Escape, 12 Years a Slave, 3 Idiots, V for Vendetta, Trainspotting, Gravity etc. There are many more in which some have won Oscar some are just enjoyable few are informative other are entertaining.